If you don't believe me, check out these facts: The gut is the only organ that performs its functions without oversight from the brain; there are over 100 million brain cells in your gut and it even has it's own nervous system; the gut sends emotional signals to the brain, suggesting we "feel with our guts first; and GI (gastrointestinal) conditions can be seen as the "mental illness" of your gut. Intuition, then, is actually found in the stomach and is a powerful aspect of humans - frogs, too! It's something we can all access, if we're open to it. Intuition is often referred to as our "gut instinct" and it encourages us to do one thing rather than another. And when we don't listen to our gut, it can cause us to feel bad...even experiencing physical pain, like Doolittle's tummy ache. While everyone has intuition that can guide them to making right decisions, not everyone trusts it. But trusting your intuition, or gut instinct, is something that we can all learn to do.
If you're like my cousin Doolittle, the best way for you to start trusting your gut instinct is to think of your intuition as a natural gift. Trusting in something that we can't see, hear, smell, or touch can be unnerving. Intuition is commonly referred to as our sixth sense and operates outside the normal parameters of your everyday experiences. Learning to trust your gut means being open to it and welcoming it into your life. Even though it may not always make sense to you, just agree that you're you're willing to follow it. Next, cultivate your sixth sense with solitude and silence. The best way to do this is, of course, to remove yourself from noise and distraction. Schedule a time each day where you can be "alone with your thoughts." If you meditate regularly, then use this as your quiet solitude. Listen to what the messages arise. Often, you'll find powerful emotions can surge from within. While these emotions can uncomfortable, realize that they are part of the learning curve and will help you to better recognize your intuition in the future. Recording your intuition is the next part. Becoming aware of your intuition and acting upon it are two different things. It can be very helpful to record your intuition experiences, then notice if there is a pattern.(P.S. You should start to see where intuition is helping to guide you; it's real and it does work!) If you still feel unsure and haven't actually put your intuition to the test yet, process your intuition with a trusted friend, or family member. Share your insights with them. This can be especially helpful if you've experienced some form of trauma which can cloud your judgement by promoting fear instead of your your own personal power. When you test your intuition out on a friend or small group, you can learn what to trust and what not to trust. Just remember to pay attention if your friend disagrees with your thinking. If their opinion resonates within you than that, too, is your intuition speaking to you. And, lastly; Eventually you'll want to put your intuition into practice...and not just observe it. Believe it or not, you do this subconsciously already. (You eat when you're hungry and sleep when you're tired.) It's okay to start out small. Try ordering a new dish at your favorite restaurant instead of your usual. If it sounds good, order it! That's intuition at its most basic.
Once you gain some "experience" with trusting your gut on the small stuff, you will feel more comfortable trying it out on the bigger things; career changes, getting married, starting a family, going back to school, or even saying goodbye to an unhealthy relationship.
Learning to trust our gut isn't easy for everyone but with time, practice, and patience it can become your best and most trusted friend. So stop second-guessing yourself and listening to what others tell you to do. You have the power within you to make these decisions on your own...if you're willing to stop for for a few minutes and go within. Your gut instinct is your inner wisdom at work, providing you with guidance and direction. You can think of it as your internal GPS. It know where you want, and need, to go and it will do it's best to get there safely. You only have to trust your gut.
Now, if only I can get Doolittle to read this.....