This is National Mulligan Day.
Golfer's get Mulligans all the time; a second-chance to perform a certain move or getting a second chance at a bad shot. But, today, everyone gets the chance at a "do-over." We've all done, or said, something that we wish we could take back...something that, perhaps, didn't really reflect our true self or what we're truly capable of doing. Sometimes, in school or at work, we don't get a second chance at getting it right. We're stuck pretty much with our first attempt. But there are other times when we DO get a second chance and those are the ones we need to take adantage of. Do-overs begin with forgiveness; allowing yourself to be less than perfect. We all make mistakes. Forgiving ourselves is the first big step in the "do-over"process.
The second step is acknowledging that no mantter how many mistakes we've made, we'll probably make more before all is said and done. The key here, is to learn from our mistakes and try not to make the same ones over and over.
The big thing about mistakes is that we often know better, but choose to ignore our gut feeling that if we do or say something, it probably won't end well for us. Fear, anger, stubborness...they're all factors in why we behave as we do. However, if we take a moment, amd not act out in haste, we can often logically "think" our way out of a potential mistake. We often give others a second why not give ourslves one, too?
Second changes doesn't only have to do with relationships, though. Do-overs work well with things and activities, too. Remember how much you hated piano lessons when you were a kid? But now, you kind of wish you spent more time "tinkiling those ivories." Well, today's your day! It's never too late to start, again, taking piano lessons, painting lessons, cooking lessons...or going back to school. It's often said that when we die, we only regret the the things we didn't do. October 17th each year is Mulligan Day...a day set aside for us to do-over, to take that Mulligan shot, at whatever we think we'd like a second chance at. I have a pretty long list! How about you? Second chances are a gift; one that we can not only give to others, but that we can also give to ourselves. Go ahead. Unwrap your gift know you want to!
PS Do-overs can be done any day of the needn't wait until the middle of October.....