Hawaii is famous for many things; luaus, pristine beaches, volcanoes, and breathtakingly beautiful vistas. But it's also known for surfing. I've tried surfing a couple of times and really enjoyed it. While Mahalo is visiting, I'm sure we'll be waxing the boards and hit the surf. The last Friday in July, which is today, also happens to be National Get Gnarly Day. The word gnarly often gets a bad rap. it can mean bad or dangerous. But it can also mean exciting, which is why surfers use the word to describe awesome waves. Just like surfers challenging waves, National Get Gnarly Day challenges us to put some gnarliness into everything we do today. If you'd like to celebrate Get Gnarly Day but don't live near the the ocean, here are a few other ways you can show your gnarliness.
1. Find a gnarly hobby. Hulda Crooks, born in 1896, started hiking and climbing at age 54, after the death of her husband. Although she had been an active jogger and walker her whole life, she was by no means an active mountain climber. Crooks first scaled Mount Whitney in California (the highest peak in the contiguous United States) at age 66. Believe it or not, she scaled Mount Fuji, in Japan, at the age of 91! I guess you could say that mountain climbing added gnarliness to her life. The point is, it's never too late to take up a gnarly new hobby or a new sport.
2. Meet gnarly people. Gnarly people are everywhere. Accept those invitations you've previous declined...you never know who'll be there. Volunteer at a local charity, take a cooking or art class. Stepping out of your comfort zone is best way to introduce yourself to new experiences and new people. Plus it will make you gnarly. And gnarly people have a way of finding each other....
3. Get a gnarly passport. It's a fact, gnarly people love to travel. If gnaliness is truly your new way of life, then you must have a passport. Even if you don't have any immediate plans to travel, you never know when an amazing opportunity will just pop up. Gnarly people are always ready for anything.
4. Find a gnarly new style. Redecorate a room in your house or find yourself a gnarly new hairstyle. Both can revitalize a lackluster attitude and outlook on life. Gather together a group of friends and take turns helping to paint a room in each other's home. Add a gnarly color to your life. Why stick with safe beige, white, and baby blue all the time? The world is a colorful place, man. Changing things up is a sure sign of gnarliness.
5. Throw a gnarly party. Celebrate all things gnarly. It's something to share so be sure and let your enthusiasm shine! Invite all those new friends from your gnarly new social circle and find great things to celebrate; gnarly food and drink, gnarly movies, or maybe even your gnarly kids! When you're gnarly, anything and everything is worthy of a celebration!
The history of National Get Gnarly Day is one you might not expect. In 2016, the US Whirlpool Corporation launched a campaign to add gNARliness into everything they did. It was a way to encourage their employees to get excited about reaching their goals and satisfying their customers. The NAR in gnarliness had special meaning for them since NAR stood for North American Region (Whirlpool products being available worldwide). When the campaign kicked off, the response from employees was so overwhelming, the company created National Get Gnarly Day and it became "official" just last year.
Whatever you do today and over the weekend, to show your gnarliness, be sure to take lots of photos. And add #NationalGetGnarlyDay when you post your pics on social media.
Mahalo and I are off to ride some gnarly waves. See you all back here on Monday!