Every living organism needs oxygen to survive. Oxygen makes up 20% of the earth's atmosphere and is the most abundant element found in the earth' crust. Air, ie oxygen, is vital for the survival of us all. Even though the evidence is pretty overwhelming, many humans still refuse to believe that our air supply is a risk from pollution. Science tells us that air pollution and climate change are closely linked; air pollution is caused from high (polluting) emmissions and unfavorable weather when, combined, makes it difficult for everything, including us frogs, to breath. Why do we, then, keep polluting our air?
That's a good question and there isn't one, really good answer. I read a quote this moring that, at first, caused me to laugh, but then made me stop and ponder the depth of it. Terri Swearingen, a nurse from Ohio and an environmentalist said, "We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to." And of course, we don't. We have a finite amount of natural resources, one of which is air. Yet humans continue to burn through these precious recources as if they're never ending. Anyone for life on Mars?
We can't undo much of the damage that's already been done but we can stop, right now, adding fuel to the the proverbial fire. Cutting back on all forms of pollution is necessary for a livable future for all of us. Leaving the planet a little better off when we depart it, it a worthy goal. Each of us, even unknowingly, has helped to make it worse. Isn't it time that we pay closer attention to Mother Earth and help her feel better now, ensuring a bright and healthy future for many generations yet to come? Earth Day is tomorrow and I encourse each of you to find a way to honor here. For me, the best gift I can give her on her special day, is respect. And that costs nothing.