OK, so was I suppose to put MORE money in the bank? I don't have a lot to save, but I do the best I can to save for the proverbial "rainy day." The wise Dharma Frog laughed and continued to explain that my personal, or inner, bank was me and not the institution where I desposit my money. I found this metaphor intriguing. I had never thought about myself as a bank before. It seems, according to him, that each of us is born rich but, as we live our live, we are often forced to pay out large sums from our self-worth account and if we don't learn to put some back in, at least once a day, then eventually our well-being becomes depleted and we feel emotionally poor. The more we put in, the healthier our account becomes. Just as with any bank, the interest on our deposits compounds daily, making us feel even better and even richer. This was finally beginning to make sense to me!
My dear friend teaches, as do many other wise spititual leaders, that we are always enough, just the way we are, and that when we go looking for "stuff" outside ourselves to make us feel better, we lose our sense of self-worth and that old "there's never enough" feeling begins to creep in; the more "stuff" we have, the more we want. The cycle never ends. Externally we may appear very rich with lots of toys but, in reality, we are getting emotionally and spiritually poorer and poorer with every new aquisition. We don't need more stuff to feel better; what we do need, though, is more self-love and gratitude for what we already have. Knowing that we are enough, that we were born with everything we need to be happy and fulfilled, and to learn to be grateful for whatever we have, that is what truly makes a frog (and human) rich beyond measure.
It's important, then, to make daily deposits into our bank of self-love and gratitude. Because, as we all know, there will come a day when we're feeling "cash poor" and we will need to go to our inner bank and withdraw some of that self-love and gratitude that we put away for safe keeping. By depositing just a little bit of love every day to our personal bank account, we ensure that we will always have enough to carry us through, no matter how trying the circumstances might be. That compounding interest, and the dividends we receive, will repay us many times over. If you haven't already started an inner bank account, why not open yours today? There's never been a better time to start saving for your future emotional well-being.