I was surprised to find out that there are over a million species of bugs that are currently known and an estimated 1 million more that have yet to be discovered! Insects, like humans and us frogs, are a very diverse group and fall into many categories. Most insects hatch from eggs (like frogs) and go through several stages of life. Some bugs, like the praying mantis, hatch looking like tiny versions of their parents. Very cool! Even more surprising is the fact that the fuzzy-wuzzy caterpillaris actually an insect. Who knew?
So what exactly is a bug and what is an insect...or are they the same thing? The answer is yes, they're the same and no, they're different. Huh? Bugs, it seems, are a certain kind of insect, much the way that toads are a certain kind of frog! Ok, so now I'm starting to understand a little better. True bugs have a stylet mouth, shaped like a straw, for sucking the juice out of plants. Then there are the assassin bugs that suck blood out of other insects. YIKES! I also learned that the front wings of a true bug are thicker and have more color nearer the body and become thinner and clearer towards the tip. The hind wings are usually clear and are tucked under the front wings. From now on I'll have to be more observant of the bugs, and insects, that I eat! I'm learned so much about something that I have always taken for granted.
And isn't this true about a lot of things? We all tend to take everyday occurances, some of which are mini-miracles, for granted.; things like sunrises, wind blowing, flowers blooming, and even frogs singing...
Bugs can teach a lot if we spent a little time observing them. I think life is like that, too. We are all so busy participating in life that we, oftentimes, forget to step back and observe the world around us. Bugs are a great place to start. But if bugs aren't your thing, try watching the birds or studing the flowers in your garden. I'm sure you have loads of things in your daily life that would make interesting topics to learn more about. Developing a real appreciation for the everyday things in our lives fosters gratitude and, as we all know, gratitude makes us happier, healthier, and just plain more fun to be around.
What will you observe today...and learn to appreciate, in a whole new way?