The word dharma is seen in both Hindu and Buddhism and, simply means life's purpose. We all have a's the reason why we're here on earth...and finding our dharma, and then pursuing and sharing it with the world is important for two reasons. The first is that finding our dharma is finding our bliss. It makes us happy. It makes us feel fulfilled. it answers the huge question of "Why am I here?". The second reason that dharma is important comes into play when we share that gift or passion with the world. Dharma, no matter what yours might be, is meant to be shared with others.
This morning, Dharma's message was was this, "The music in a frog's soul can be heard by the universe." Simply put, this means that when we discover what our true dharma is, the music in our soul) then the universe conspires with us to make it happen, to make that dream a reality. So how do we find our dharma?
Some of us are just born knowing what it is we're meant to do. Dharma knew early on that he was meant to teach, just as I knew from the time I was a young tadpole that I was meant to write. others, however, stumble into it. I have a friend who loves to bake. baking made her happy. But it wasn't until she discovered baking cheesecake that she actually found her dharma. Now, she's the queen of cheesecake! We don't find dharma by using logic. Just as we don't find dharma using only our emotions. According to my teacher, "Purpose, that is based only on thinking and logic is empty of feeling and ultimately becomes mechanical and meaningless. Purpose based purely on emotion may not be in harmony with reality. You also cannot find life purpose and dharma by meditation alone, by sitting and breathing and chanting mantras in the hope that you will be blessed with some sort of revelation or a bolt of intuition. You may be waiting a long time for this to happen." The best way to find your dharma is by developing a relationship with your unconscious mind. "To find life purpose and dharma you forge a relationship with the unconscious parts of you and with your knowing mind, to spark your deeper intuition and your connection to your highest self. To find your dharma you need to develop a refined sense of who you are and why you are here on the planet at this time. This self-knowledge and development can be achieved through embracing elevated concepts of what it is to be human, self- reflection and self-analysis, and finally, meditation to expand your awareness, to contain, hold and integrate all of these elements," says Dharma. And he should know. He's an expert on the subject! Some folks and some frogs, too, are fortunate to find dharma early on in life. Others struggle and find it later. And some, unfortunately, never find it fearing that knowing what they're meant to do might mean making BIG changes and those are, well, scary! So, instead, they opt to take the easy route and simply exist, working at a job they hate because it pays the bills. So, let's assume that you've found the music in your soul. What then?
We are all unique and have gifts to share with the world. Lots of people teach, or write, or bake cheesecake, but only you can do it your way. That's what makes it unique. We each put our spin on whatever we do. My wise teacher believes, "If we choose to focus and work on those gifts and work with them, we will encounter success, and we will be happy, we will be content with our lives, our environment, our friends, family, and all that will happen to us and all around us." Sounds simple enough. But there are always obstacles, we know that. If you want to be happy, do what you love. My dad tells me that he's never worked a day in his life. That's because he LOVES what he does. So it's not going to work for him, it's more like spending the day doing something fun! And isn't that a better way to live? Maybe your particular dharma won't start off paying the bills. That's okay; keep working at it. Many of us use our talents and never ever make much money from those efforts. But here's the important "but." if we're making ourselves happy, and if make only one other person (or frog) happy. then we've been successful. The universe is always listening for the music that comes from your soul. Once the basic melody has been started, it will conspire to help you fill in all the missing harmonies. Your once simple song then becomes a symphony masterpiece. One that you will want to share with the world!
Alan Armstrong, a British actor is quoted as saying, “If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become you and you will find great things happen FOR you, TO you and BECAUSE of you.”
It was a particularly interesting lesson from Dharma this morning because we talked about, well, dharma. It's kind of cool knowing that each of us has our very own special thing. And it's even more special watching that "thing" unfold in those we love. I encourage you to spend time discovering your own purpose if you haven't already found out what it is. The experience is revelatory. It is life-changing. And I guarantee it'll make you happier than you've ever been.
Please join me back here tomorrow for a lesson on being a good neighbor in honor of Do Something Good For Your Neighbor Day. Until then, I wish you