I'm not referring to, of course, the multinational conglomerate famous for making Post-It notes. I am referring to the Monday Morning Malody that affects lots of people...and frogs...every Monday. It's that overwhelming feeling of "I just can't get myself out of bed and get going today" feeling. I'm lucky because this rarely happens to me. Some folks experience this feeling every single week.
Believe it or not, science has uncovered some reasons why people often hate Mondays. It's pretty interesting and something I'd like to share with you. You might find it helpful.
Here's what I found out:
1. Your sleep pattern changes. During the week, most of us don't get enough sleep and so we try to make up for it by sleeping in on the weekends. But even staying in bed an extra hour, or two, can distrupt our body's clock. This can lead to feeling like we can't get up.
2. Our need to socialize. During the week, we take coffee breaks and chat with co-wprkers. Human, and frogs alike, need to feel like we're one of the tribe (or in my case part of the army) and the ritual of gossiping 'round the water cooler, or coffee machine, can make us feel connected. Even after just two days away, we can lose that feeling. It's especially important on Mondays to spend a few minutes "catching up" with friends and co-workers; to reconnect with our peers.
3. A sudden change from Sunday. Most of us find Sunday to be a happy day, and one that's relaxing...a time to kick back and enjoy. Then Monday rolls around and...Boom...we're back in the ratrace again. Even though Mondays aren't anymore stressful than Tuesday or Thursday, we perceive as such...getting back into the rountine can be hard.
4. You are harder on yourself on Monday. Most people tend to overdue on the weekends; they eat and drink too much and by Monday, their bodies are being to feel it. Lots of folks fall off their diet and exercise routines on Saturday and Sunday. This can lead to a bad case of "Loser Complex." Research has shown that we feel less attractive on Monday than on any other day of the week. That's why more diets and exercise plans start on Monday. My advice istoo not slack off on the weekends. Well, ok, maybe a little, but just remember that when Monday comes around, you might not feel as great.
5. You are more likely to have a stroke on Monday. Scientists have found that everyone is more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke on Monday. Stress, and dread, play an important part. The solution is, of course, to stay as happy and as optomistic as possible.
6. You are less engaged on Mondays. A Gallup poll shows that 70% of the population either "hate" Monday or completely disengage from their job. The Monday Morning Blues start on Sunday evening when the dread of a new work week sets in. That's probably why 37% of all job applications are placed on Tuesday...more than any other day of the week.
But never fear...There are ways to cure your 3M. Forbes magazine says that the first thing to do is to figure out what the problem is. It your Monday Blues doesn't happen often, like nine, then it's just a tempory thing and will pass. But if it happens every week there's more to it and, perhaps, signals that a change in lifestyle or job is necessary. Another suggestion is to prepare for Monday on Friday. Don't leave work piles up and scattered all over your desk. That, in itself, can be depressing. Spend a little time every Friday afternoon, organizing and prioritizing the work for the upcoming week. It's helpful, too, says Forbes, to make a list of the things you're excited about on Sunday evening. This list can give us an overview of what we have to look forward to over the coming days and weeks. It's good to unplug over the weekend. Without email and voicemail distraction, it's easier for us to relax and rewind. It's also a good idea to go to bed a little earlier than usual and to get up a little earlier on Monday morning. having to rush, is never good. Dressing up on Monday, maintaining a positive attitude, and making someone else happy (like bringing in donuts or breakfast tacos for the gang) are also simple and effective ways to beat that Monday Morning Malody.
I've run on far too long so I'll close by saying that I already feel better about my Monday morning. I hope you do, as well. The worst ting any of us can do is stress out. Relax, take a deep breath, and know that Monday is just a day...like any other and that it, too, will pass; altogether to quickly. So why not enjoy it while it's here?