I find I'm like that with writing. I keep say I'm going to stop and put my attention elsewhere but I keep on writing. It's difficult to know if I do it because it's part of who I am, embedded somehow in my DNA, or is it something I do because it's become a habit. I needed to find out.
This morning I woke up and didn't feel much like writing this blog...or writing much of anything. It's a very spring-like here in Lily Pad, despite the fact the calender says it's mid-February. And all I wanted to do was go for a hop; I definitely didn't feel like sitting in front of my laptop. But I did sit, for quite awile. Nothing came to me so I decided to do what I really wanted...go for long, quiet, reflective hop. While I was out, communing with nature, I came across a log and decided to stop and think about my work as a writer. I thought about what my life might be like if I stopped writing. Would I be happier? Or would I feel a big, empty hole? When I thought about giving up my "pen and paper" I felt a knot in my belly. It didn't feel right. Was it just a sense of loss I was experiencing or was it because I would really miss writing and it was time to move on?That was the big question.
So I thought about taking up a new career. I'm a young frog and it's never to late to learn something new, righ? Perhaps I could become a teacher, or a nurse, or even a computer programmer. But when I thought about these occupations, the first thing that hopped across my mind was, did they include writing? Interesting question for someone who is thinking up giving it up. Teaching requires some writing, but not the kind I was used to doing. Programmers write code but that wasn't it, either. Nurses write up report but they're technical. Then it hit me. I really did want to write! Writing is an integral part of my being. It makes me happy. I couldn't picture a good life without it.
Sometimes we simply need to take a step back and look at what we do. We get stuck in a rut. And all it takes is a fresh perspective to re-energize our passion. Filled with new-found enthusiasm, I hopped back home and am sitting at my computer, happily writing this blog.
The next time you want to give up on something you used to love to do, take a walk. Spending time with nature has a way of clearing one's head. It gives us a feeling of confidence and makes decision-making easier. There are no distractions. Your head, your heart, and your gut are talking to you. You're answer will come, if you just listen.