Most of you know by know that every Wednesday, the Dharma Frog comes by a chat. Today, he told said something that I found relavatory; "The frog who looks within himself will find all the magic he needs." This was definitely a new concept for me. Previously, I had always looked for the magic in other things. I had never thought about the magic being inside of me. This was definitely an exciting thought!
So, of course, I had to ask him how to find, or unlock, this magic. He told me that within each of us are all the tools we need to be magical. Everyone is filled with untapped ideas that are just waiting to be discovered. Perhaps it's a hidden talent or a new idea for a business. These ideas can, and will, inspire us (and others) to live our best life. We simply need to be brave and allow ourselves to find the magic within. A little child's play everyday is good for all of us.
The Dharma Frog went on to explain that it all starts with the basic belief that we all are here for a reason; that we have a gift to give the world. Then, we just go on from there. For a long time, I knew I wanted to be a writer. I just didn't have the courage to actully write anything. But once I did, I knew that writing filled an inner void that I didn't even know I had! My best friend asked to see my work, but I was afraid to show it; I was afraid that it wasn't any good. After much convincing, I finally gave him a couple of short stories to read. He LOVED them! He encouraged me to keep writing, to polish my style, and to develop the habit of writing a little bit every day. I had a sense of being complete; of being the frog I was meant to be. It was, indeed, a magical feeling.
Our goal in life should be to find that magic. No one wants to settle for a mundane life. And you shouldn't have to. I think everyone has, at one time or another, said, I want to dance, I want to learn about the ocean, I want to cook...but until they actually DO something about their desire, it is just that. An unfulfilled desire. That fact that you had this thought should tell you that you were meant to do it. Perhaps you won't be a Jacques Cousteau, a Martha Graham, or a Julia Childs. That's OK. Very few of us ever acheive that kind of fame. But that doesn't mean you don't have a gift to share. Sharing can simply mean cooking for your family and friends, or teaching your children about the beauty of underwater sea life. Dancing around your living room, with your partner, is a way of sharing your joy. And isn't that what a gift is supposed to do? A gift should bring joy to others. When it's a gift from your true self, it will always do just that.
Finding your personal magic can a little time. Others find it early in life. But once you do find it, spend time everyday developing it. You may be surprised to know that once you discover the magic in yourself, the easier it will be to see the magic in others. And you'll see magic everywhere you look, too. It will be in the beauty of wild flowers, in the music of thunder, or in the cloud formations that drift by on a lazy summer's afternoon. So stop looking for the are it. Once you know this, the magic young children find in everyday things will, once again, belong to you. Magic isn't difficult to find; it isn't difficult to see, or feel, or have. Magic is as easy as child's play, if you just take the time to look.