The 22nd of April is designated each year as International Goof Off day...a day to relax and enjoy doing nothing. So go ahead and leave your work for another day. Goof Off Day encourages us to let go and have fun doing (safe) goofy things. Ever want to make a paper airplane out of a seed packet? Or maybe you haven't splashed around in a puddle for a long time. Today might be a good day to do that. How about going to the playground and sliding down the slide or riding the merry-go-round? You could also spend the whole day in your pajamas and do absolutely nothing at all. Sound wonderful? It is. And the best part of goofing off, is that it's actually good for you!
Brene Brown, a research professor in the Graduate College of Social Work at the University of Houston (Texas) along with Stuart Brown, MD describes "play as time spent without purpose." For many, that could sound like an anxiety attack waiting to happen. I know I'm often guilty of measuring my days by how much I accomplished, and not by how much fun I had. But the Brown's tell us, "Play — doing things just because they’re fun and not because they’ll help achieve a goal — is vital to human development. Brown believes that play is at the core of creativity and innovation. Play can mean snorkeling, scrapbooking or solving crossword puzzles; it’s anything that makes us lose track of time and self-consciousness, creating the clearing where ideas are born." This means that it's a mistake to limited play or goof off time just to vacations! Now, how's that for a new concept?
Here's your assignment for today; Make a list of at least three activities that you could do for hours on end. The kind of activities that make you lose all track of time. For some of you, this might be a difficult task indeed. maybe it's been a long time since you've let yourself get lost in playtime. if that's true, then you're long overdue! Take some time today, International Goof Off Day, and figure out what makes feel like a kid again. You know, carefree with not a worry on your mind. Then, after you've figured out what those activities are, take your schedule and make time each week for doing them. And don't just pencil it in. Write it in ink! This is important stuff; important not only for you but for those around you. Kids need to be included in this, as well. Too often these days, children feel the need to compete as much as their parents do. Their schedules are packed. But how many of those activities include goofing off and having fun, with no particular purpose in mind? Probably not many. And don't forget to "play well with others." Your spouse and kids may have their own playtime list, but you need to designate some of that time as family time; go swimming or hiking together, play board games, go sightseeing, or take up a hobby or craft together. Whatever your chosen activity turns out to be, just remember to have free-spirited fun!
That does it for me for this week. Now it's time for me to have a little fun. Little brother Quigley and I have plans for a swim today, having a leisurely lunch, then maybe a hop along the banks of The Great Swamp. Just spending time with him, even if we don't do anything special, will be a treat for both of us. Whatever you do today, try not to look like you're working. Use #NationalGoofOffDay to post your fun on social media.
Enjoy International Goof Off Day. Stay safe and please plan on dropping back on Monday. Until then, I wish you fun and PEACE.