The excuses are endless. Our future is not. The clock is ticking.
When was the last time you heard somebody say, "I'm glad I waited to travel" or learn to speak a new language, or take art classes? Probably never. What we do hear quite often is, "I wish I'd done this sooner." We don't want to believe it, but we all have a "use by" date. And putting off our hopes and dreams and aspirations might mean never accomplishing them. I've heard it said that when we get near death, the regrets we have are only for the things we didn't do.
What goals do you have that you've ignored for far too long? Now is the time to take out those dreams, dust them off, and set them into motion. The future is now.
When our truest dreams are set free, the Universe, cosmos, fate (or whatever you choose to call it) works with us to make them reality. You know what I mean. We've all had a time when the working componets of a plan just magically fall into place. It feels good and right. And we didn't need to exert much effort.
But what about when we run into too many stumblin blocks? Maybe it means that your goal/hope/dream isn't what you really want...or need? Then it's time to revamp them and try again.
Often the dreams we have as youngsters don't work for us as adults. That doesn't mean they should be discarded. No. They just need to be reworked. Perhaps your childhood dream was to be a famous baseball player, but you never made it to the major leagues. Don't give up on it! Simply rework it. Make plans to visit every major league stadium and take in a home game at each one. You could even add in a stop in Cooperstown, New York and visit the Baseball Hall of Fame; spend a little time with the heroes of your youth. You get the idea. There's always a way to make your dream a reality. There's never been a better time to start...since all we are guananteed in life, is the present moment. I know for me, the wait stops now.
On that note, I'm hopping off to rework my dream of writing a best-selling children's book. It costs nothing to dream. And with a little hard work and dedication, who knows? It might just come true.