As I get older, I much prefer the creature comforts of a B & B, hotel/motel, even an RV, to sleeping in a sleeping bag, but little Quigley enjoys pichin' the tent and croaking songs around a warm campfire. So yesterday I did a little "recon" and found the perfect lily pad for our camping trip. It's isolated, but not too much, and the view is spectacular. I think we'll have a great time.
Quigley, Jr is a froglet scout and he needs to go on a 2-day camping trip in order to earn his merit badge in outdoor survival. That means we won't be bringing many supplies from home. And it definitely means we won't be bringing along any of mom's homemade worm preserve for our campfire biscuits. But, we'll make do.
As Quigley's older brother, I feel it's my duty to show him the ropes. I earned my outdoor survival badge a couple of years ago, and know what is expected. Plus, I'll be here to make sure he stays safe. In addition to going hiking and looking for all the flora and fauna on his list, we'll be trying to catch at least 4 different specie of bugs. That one shouldn't be too hard. It'll be tasty, too! Humans always like to spray themselves down with bug repelent. We frogs, on the other hand, just eat whatever "bugs" us! Quigley has to pitch the tent himself, with minimum input from me, and he must also build and start the campfire. He's allowed only two matches for the entire weekend. After they're gone, he's got to figure out another way to "make fire." As for me, it'll be fun teaching him how to get along in the great outdoors. It's a good skill to frogs, we've kind of have to know a little about surviving in nature. Personally, I'm most excited about making s'mores over the campfire and singing some of our favorite songs. And, I'm quite sure, I'll wind up telling Quigley a few ghost stories. Kids, for some reason, love to be scared and I've got a bunch of really creepy ones that are sure to frighten him.
All-in-all, it should be a pleasant few days. It's always nice, too, to get back to our roots in nature. I hope you have some family fun planned this weekend. There's no better time to get outside and see the flora and fauna in your area. Go hiking, sing all your favorite songs, and enjoy the fresh air. It's loads of fun to be a kid again. And your kids will enjoy seeing you at your playful best.
See ya back here on Monday!
PS Don't forget the sunscreen...