In one of it's oldest forms, the proverb was "No weeping for shed milk." as was referenced by James Howell in 1659. While its verbiage may have have changed over the centuries, its meaning certainly has not.
Think of your negativity as a snowball rolling along in a field. As it travels, more and more more snow sticks to it. Soon that little ball isn't little any's HUGE! A little negativity, unchecked, can soon grow into a big ball of ugliness that can stream-roll right over you. With that in mind, here are a few tips for helping with that positive thinking.
1. Meditate or do yoga. Meditation doesn't have to be this great long, time-consuming involved thing. Just sitting, peacefully, with a cup of tea and "meditating (thinking) on all you have to be grateful for can really help to lift that dark cloud. And, well, yoga's just a great all around exercise.
2. Smile. It's been scientifically proven that smiling is good for us. And did you know that it uses fewer muscles to smile than to frown? It does!
3. Surround yourself with positive people. Positivity breeds positivity. And the same holds true for negativity. Being around positive people makes us feel better. It's contagious!
4. Change the tone of your thoughts. Instead of thinking "This is going to be hard and I can't do it." Think about it from a positive perspective; "There will be some challenges, sure, but I can get through this and it will help me grow and learn."
5. Don't play the victim. No more "Woe is me," okay? You can create your own experiences and your own life. So take responsibility. Don't blame others.
6. Help someone else. Doing a good deed for someone else makes us...and them...feel better. It's a big win-win.
7. Remember that no one is perfect. Be kind to yourself and move on. Self-recrimination is never is a good thing.
8. Sing (or dance). Singing along with an upbeat song, or dancing around to lively music has a way of making us feel happy. It's a great way to lift your spirits.
9. Start a gratitude journal. Listing a few things, every day, that you're grateful for makes you realize how lucky you are. And when your feeling sad or negative about life, skim though it. You'll soon see that your life is pretty darned terrific.
10. Read something positive or watch an uplifting movie. This is pretty self-explanatory. For me, I enjoy watching a good film, one that sends a positive message or makes me laugh out loud. For others, reading from a beloved book of poems or quotations...maybe reading a spiritual text...brings them comfort and joy. Do whatever makes YOU happiest.
We all know that little unexpected problems come up in life, sometimes daily. But with a positive attitude, life is much happier and easier. So, when the proverbial milk gets spilled, get out a sponge, wipe it up, and move on.
Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you'll all join me back here on Monday.