As we sipped our tea and munched our muffins, Dharma explained all of this in greater detail. In the case of inbound love...when someone loves us deeply...we gain strength. We are able to accept our challenges, to handle our toughest times when we know that someone loves us...that we are not going through these things alone. With love, all things are possible. And what about outbound love...the deep love we feel for another? That, my son, gives us courage. Many love stories have been written about heroic feats accomplished in the name of love. It is understood that the deep love we feel for someone will sustain us and help us through even the most difficult times. Why is this, Tadpole? It's because with deep love we become embolden; we gain confidence that we often didn't know we had. The love we give to others provides us with reasons to be brave and bold. With love for others in our hearts, we are far more prepared to sacrifice so that won't have to suffer. A mother's love for her child is the perfect example of this. When we give love to another, it shows our willingness to be compassionate and to be vulnerable. Inbound love, that love we receive from others, buoys us. With the loving support of others, we feel as if we are capable of doing nearly anything. When we act selflessly, Irwin, we show the world that there is more to life than just our own self-interests.
Strength and courage are very similar but they are different things. Strength, be it physical, emotional, or mental, means we can rise up to meet our challenge; to overcome and persevere. Courage, though, means the same thing, all while knowing that we lack the strength. Courage comes from the French word coeur, meaning heart.
"It takes strength to be firm, It takes courage to be gentle. It takes strength to feel a friend’s pain, It takes courage to feel your own pain. It takes strength to survive, it takes courage to live. It takes strength to be loved and it takes courage to love. Whenever you feel you have neither, may the heart of the universe hug you today with its warmth, and love. And may the wind carry a voice that tells you there is a friend sitting in another corner of the world wishing you well!"
I am not ashamed to say that I love Dharma. He is not only my trusted adviser, but he is my dearest friend. Surrounded by the love of my family and friends, I know that I am one lucky frog! I wish you love.