Until you stop looking for validation from others will you ever be able to see what you're really doing. Humans, and frogs too I dare say, ask everybody around them for their opinion on what they should do...and then we often do whatever we're told...when, in fact, we already know the answer; we just don't don't like it. We completely dismiss our intuition. It feels uncomfortable; like, "How I could possibly know what to do...what's good or right for me?" But, really, who else knows you better? Who else lives with you day in and day out. Intuition is there to guide us but few of us dare to trust it.
There's a big revelation to be had when we do trust our "gut." We learn that it wasn't us who was failing and we're not a failure by leaving. In fact, just the opposite is true. It takes bold courage to know when to leave something that no longer serves us. It takes real courage and strength. Learning to listen to, and trust our inner GPS system (intuition), can take years of practice...especially if we're not coming from that one, right place. The place of self-love and security, of knowing we have all we need to sail our own ship. When we seek advice from others, they will respond based on their own experiences, their own history, their own judgments, and upbringing. If we ask them if we should stay in school, of course they'll say yes. If we ask them about leaving a bad job, we may here that good jobs are scarce or that nobody really likes their work. But they aren't us and even though friends and family can be well-meaning, they can't know what's right for us.
So how do you know when it's time to walk away? It's not difficult to figure out. When you sit quietly and your inner knowing tells you that the path you're on is no longer serving your greater good. 2. When what you're doing is no longer fun or fulfilling. When the very thought of it fills you with dread. 3. When you do whatever you can to avoid it, or them. 4. When you're physically ill from the anxiety and depression caused by the person or situation. 5. When you spend all your time complaining about it (or them) to your family and friends. 6. When you look in the mirror and say, "I can't believe this is my life. How did I get here?" These are all pretty clear signs that your life is no longer working for you and a change is long overdue.
Healing, and the ability to move forward, begins with giving yourself permission to leave. Your inner self will thank you and you'll feel like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders. The man, woman, or frog inside of you will welcome you with open arms, "Where have you been," they will say, "I've been waiting for you and now you're finally here!" Learn to love the sound of your feet (or flippers) walking away from things not meant for you.