With all the unrest and violence happening all around, I can see where that might be easy to think. But, perhaps, it's time to peel back the layers of that proverbial onion and look at what's really going on.
I believe that there are only 2 emotions at play; love and fear. Hate and jealousy are, in reality, fear that's wearing a thin disguise. Humans hate and are jealous of the things they fear most. Fear divides. Love connects.
Children connect easily and joyously at an early age. They haven't yet been taught to distrust others that look or act differently. That is a learned behavior. And that's good news! If you can learn something, than you also have the ability to unlearn it; to modify and change your behavior and ways of looking at things. That's a big Yippee! in my book.
So, beginning today, why not look at those humans around you who may appear or think differently from you. Take a good look at them. Are they really so different? Don't they want the same things in life as you do? Of course they do! Humans are all interconnected. Sure, humans (like frogs) come in all different shapes and colors, with different beliefs. But at their core, you're all the same. Frogs are all the same, too. No matter what we look like, sound like, or where we live, we're all amphibians. You all are humans. It's that easy.
The best way to erase the divide among people is with a simple gesture; a smile, a handshake, a compliment, or a kind word can go a long way in shortening the distance between us and them. When humans truly feel the goodness in others, they feel it in
themselves. It's all about interconnectedness; seeing all of humanity as "we."
People are, after all, just kindred spirits. Here together, on Planet Earth, for a fraction of a second in time. Do you want to spend your brief time here filled with fear...or with love? I think that should be an easy choice.