Inner wisom. We all have it. It's something we're born with; but few of us ever take the time to heed its advice. In this era of hustle and bustle, we are often called upon to make snap decisions. Most of our judements are made without much thought and, certainly, without pause to consider all the options. Advertisers have relied on this for it now or you'll loose your opportunity. The "chance" to purchase won't really go away, they're just afraid that if you "sleep on it" you may well decide you don't really need it. And that's not good for their interest. But what about yours?
How many times have you purchased something on a whim and later regretted that purchase? It happens quite a often. It's called buyer's remorse. Hasty decisions aren't just bad when you're shopping, however They can be harmful when making any kind of major decision. Taking "time out" to think things over may take a little longer, it's true. Sitting quietly and waiting for that little voice...your inner guide you to the correct answer will be well worth it. Every bad decision I've ever made, and I do mean every single one, was made quickly and without any thought. Impulse-thinking very rarely ever works out positively. So whether you're shopping for Christmas gifts or making a life-altering decision that will affect your future (and possibly the lives of others) give pause. Perhaps that pause need only be a minute or two...perhaps it'll take a week, maybe longer. But whatever length of time it takes you to come to the best decision possible, just take it. Sit quietly and ask your inner wisdom to guide you. Then wait. The right answer will come to you...sooner or later. It always does. And when it does, you'll know it in your heart. Decision-making, especially for big things, is never easy. But when you trust your judgement, that little voice inside each of us, buyer's remorse and regrets will become a thing of the past.