Manners make one more civilized, I think. Land of Lily Pad has become more casual recently, and the froglets of today don't know how to act during meal times. I find the same thing true for you humans. Society has become less structured and ridged...that's not all-together a bad thing. A relaxed atmosphere does make people and situations generally more approachable, but when there are no clear-cut boundaries, it can leave you feeling confused and a little intimidated. How should I act? What should I wear? What will be expected of me?
It's this frog's opinion that manners are a way to bridge the divide. Teaching young people, from an early age, what is expected in situations not only gives them guidelines for proper behavior, but also instills in them a sense of self-confindence. They know how to act wherever life takes them.
There are certain rules of ettiquette that should be mandatory everywhere, in every situations. The most important one is respect. When you are respectful of others, and of yourself, the rest of the rules will easily fall in to place.
Even if you don't have a formal dinner party to attend this weekend it might be fun, and helpful, to have a family dinner at home; complete with table linens and all. Invite everyone to participate in polite conversation, be on their best behavior, and definitely no cell phones allowed. Having an at-home "formal meal" every now-and-again is good for the soul. It makes you feel proud and grateful; it makes you feel grown-up.
The Miss Manners of yesterday may be outdated, but the Miss Manners of today can help give humans of all ages a good "polish". It can help with everything from casual situations, to job interviews, and even State dinners...if you're fortunate to get invited to one. Personally, I think the world could use some extra manners these days and having a bit of polish will make everyone shine a little brighter.
My suit is as the cleaners, and I want to act as good as I'll look. It's time for me to hop off to the library now. I have a date with Miss Manners and I don't want to keep her waiting...