What a wonderful day to be alive!
There aren't too many things we can count on in this life, but one of the biggest, and the certainly best, is that we know that no matter what, the sun will come up tomorrow. That means that no matter what happened yesterday, today is a new beginning; a chance to do better and to be better. For me, just knowing that is a great gift. It's like knowing I have a life-time of do-overs that I can use to make myself, my life, and my world better. And those do-overs won't cease until I do. This belief gives me a real sense of peace, security, and happiness. It's the kind of happiness that comes from within; that no one can take away from me. It's mine. I was born with it. I own it. But sometimes it gets lost in translation. Like a lot of you, I find myself looking for the latest and greatest new "thing". Advertisers have led us to believe that when we buy "it", we will be sublimely happy, fulfilled, or more attractive. I can guarantee, however, that when the luster has worn off that new "thing", you'll find yourself, once again, starting another search for something else. It will never end. That's consumerism for you. It's a trap. Don't let yourself get caught in it; it will eat you up.
Instead, open your eyes to the beauty that is nature. Stars fill the night sky, even when we can't see them. Birds sing and we frogs ribbit. These are things that you can count on. Today and tomorrow. Take pleasure in your life, exactly the way it is. It might not be perfect, at least not the perfect we think it should be. But it is perfect...and the alternative to life isn't great. So go ahead, take a deep breath, and let yourself be really happy. Be truthful. It feels good, doesn't it? The inner feeling that all is well, even when the exterior says otherwise, is always there. And all you have to do is open your eyes.