"A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you just the way you are now." I wish I'd written those anonymous but beautiful words. For they express the truest sentiment about what it means to be a friend. Today is National Make A Friend Day and in honor of this most worthy occasion, I thought it might be a good reminder for all of us to look at the Top Six reasons why it's good to make new friends.
6. A new friend won't remember your past. With a new friend, you start off with a clean slate. And while any friend should be tolerant of your past, they weren't around for the horrible breakup with your ex or that dreadful haircut that made you look like a Russian gymnast. With a new friend, you both start off on a fresh new journey.
5. They might introduce you to their friends. When you make one new friend, you usually acquire a few others. This broadens your circle of acquaintances. Just as your circle of friends will broaden theirs.
4. You might discover a new hobby. New friends always bring along their interests. Through your new friend, you may discover that you love bird watching, or gardening, or hiking. You only need to be open to giving them a try!
3. New friends force you out of your comfort zone. Some people really hate meeting new people, so making new friends is a great way to force yourself out of your comfort zone and try something new. Humans are social creatures, and even if you’re an introvert, there’s a group of new, perfect friends somewhere out there for you, too!
2. A New friend can offer you a fresh perspective. Maybe you just moved, started a new job or are experiencing a significant change in your life or circumstances. A new friend can provide a fresh perspective as you journey down a new path.
And finally, the best reason for making a new friend.
1. A new friend might turn out to be your best friend. When you make friends with someone new, you never know how close of a friend he or she may become. If you close yourself off to new friendships, you may miss out. Always remember that every best friend started out as a new friend.
Friends are wonderful. Cherish those you already have, but there's always room for new ones. Use today to strike up a conversation with your new co-worker, new neighbor, or the person in line behind you at the coffee shop. You never know where that brief encounter may lead! And who among us can't use a new friend? Marcel Proust, the French novelist once said about friends, "Let us be grateful for those that make us happy; they are the charming gardeners you make our souls blossom."
Please stop back by tomorrow when my old and dear friend, The Dharma Frog will be here for my weekly lesson on how to live a better life. His wise words can be transformative whether you're a frog or a human. So please plan to stop back by. Until then, I wish you