After a cup of tea, and some deep reflection, I've decided that it's mostly how how we choose to look at things. The world always supports us, if we are just willing to open our eyes, sharpen our senses, and read the messages. The magic is out there!
Messages seem to appear just when we need them, IF we're open to seeing them. Maybe it's a sign on a utility pole, or a bill board, from a real estate company telling you to "Love Your New Neighbor." That doesn't mean that we need to call the company who's advertising and buy a new house, we just need to take their message for what it is...good advice. Love your new (the new part is optional) neighbor whether they're in your neighborhood, someone in the cubicle next to you at work, the lonely and scared new kid at school, or the new mom at the kid's playground.
There are lots of negative signs out there telling us "Don't do this" and "Don't do that." But a kind, caring, and compassionate man in New York City, by the name of Killy Kilford, created the fictional Department of Well Being. He has posted signs all over the city that say uplifting things like, "You look pretty today" and "Honk less and love more."
These signs are made to look "official" which gives their messages even more impact. In Chicago, someone wrote LOV& in wet cement. Love should always be about 'adding, increasing and connecting' says Oprah. She suggested that we all start spelling love with an ampersand instead of a plain E. And I agree. Way to go Miss O!
Perhaps today will be the day that YOU come across a meaning sign. If not, why not leave one for someone to find? A note in your kid's lunchbox or a mesasge to you co-worker written like this: Memo: Remember that you are appreciated.
Leaving little hidden treasures for others to find is as wonderful for the writer as they are for the recipient. Everyone ends up feeling a little better. Spread some love and a few (well-placed) uplifting words today. Maybe someone you know feels that the world is against them. A kind message from you might make them feel loved amd worthwhile. And isn't that pretty magical?