Diversity stems from the root word diverse which, of course, means different. There are many ways that humans can be diverse; color of skin, religious beliefs, cultures, lifestyles, values, and more. If we were to place two people side-by-side who basically look the same, once they were standing next to each other you'd begin to see that even they are different; with different body types, eye and hair color, different sexual orientations. One may be tall and the other not-o-much. Too, these two humans will have vastly different personalities and perspectives on life. The globalized world of today melds humans together in ways that were never dreamed of even a 100 years ago.
Diversity is important for many reasons; it helps us to learn about a whole world out there with people and culture and customs different from ours. Not only does diversity help us to appreciate our own customs and cultures more, it also opens our eyes to the many ways that others who are different from us celebrate their own heritage and religion. Diversity lessens the feelings of superiority which, in turn, lessens hate and bullying. It supplies us with new ways of solving problems. For instance, a woman will see a problem from a very different perspective than a man. Someone form Asia will look at solutions differently than someone from South Africa. Diversity makes the world turn better.
Diversity is important because the world is changing rapidly, Humans can either get on board the fast-moving train or get left behind at the station. Jut remember that the station is stagnant, non-moving, and never goes anywhere. The view is always the same. And that get's boring after a short while. If humans can appreciate the diversity of nature why is it, then, that some people can't appreciate it withing the context of the human race? And that's the important and key phrase; we say the human race. We don't say the white race or the black race, or the catholic race.....we say the whole human race.
Diversity empowers people to express their views without feeling outnumbered. Diversity gives people a voice and allows them to take pride in who they are. Diversity makes each person special and unique. Diversity lets people can see the beauty of the world, often without traveling any farther than next door.
Hate, and fear of those that are different from us, isn't inborn. If you don't believe me, watch a group of very young children at play. They show no hate or fear of the other kids. They're not even aware of difference. It is something that is learned, taught by parents and caretakers. But if can be unlearned. It simply requires a little bravery. If you live near, or work with, people who may be different from you, take the time to get to know them. Talk to them about their views and ways of living. Perhaps even exchange a recipe or two. You'll be surprised at what you can learn from them!
Instead of viewing diversity as a bad, or negative, thing. See it for what it is; an opportunity to learn more about the world around you. Use diversity for positive social reform. Diversity is, after all, a beautiful thing!
"Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference." ~ Jane Goodall