Everyone knows that Spring bugs and worms are the tasiest and my mom, and grandmother, take advantage and prepare some of their best meals of the year at Eastertime. And let's not forget my little brother, Quigley. The Easter Frobbit is always very good to him and he gets mounds of chocolate covered insects and dirty worms in his Sunday morning Easter basket. Of course, I can't resist trying a few of each. Ok, most of the time it's more than a few....
There's plenty of pond scum and swampagne for all, to wash down the delicacies. I've put on 10 pounds just thinking about it!
Easter is a time for sharing; a time to spend with family and friends. I think the best part of this Easter season, is getting up early and watching the sunrise before sitting down to a yummy (and fattening) meal with my family. For some, Easter is a religious holiday; for others, it's a celebration of Spring; of new life and new beginnings.
I plan on enjoying myself this weekend and partaking of all the wonderous joys that come with Spring. I'll begin my battle of the bulge on Monday. However you choose to celebrate Easter, do it whole-heartedly. There's so much to celebrate. Spring is a bountiful season and no time to skimp. Easter only comes once a year. Your war on those unwanted pounds can wait another few days.
And don't forget to keep your eyes out for the Frobbit. This wonderful little critter is only around once a year and, believe you me...he's really something to see!