It is a well-known fact that some people are larks whiles others are night owls. Research has shown us, however, that larks, or morning people, are happier, more productive, and even healthier than those who stay up well into the night. If you fall into this latter category, you might want to try these few easy steps to help get yourself going in the morning.
1. The first, and most obvious step is to quit telling yourself you're not a morning person. The more you tell yourself and others that you do best at night, that you thrive as soon as it gets dark, the harder it is to change the habit. To begin your transformation in a lark, you'll need to transform your speech as much as your habits and thoughts, You never thought you'd learn to tie your shoes either, but you did with practice. And you can undo your "night owl" thinking, too. The hint here isn't just to start off running; Start off by saying something like, "I'm learning to become a person who makes the most of my mornings." Then, gradually, work your way up to "I love getting up in the morning!"
2. Think about the rewards this shift will make. They'll be different for everyone. But some common examples of morning motivators might be; not dragging yourself through work or school each day, going for a morning run or workout with your best friend (who just happens to be a lark), having more time to get the kids, and you, ready in the morning or, maybe, having the extra time to treat yourself to your favorite breakfast. Whatever your motivators are, keep reminding yourself of the rainbow(s) at the end of this transformation.
3. Commit to doing whatever it takes to make this happen. Don't just "try." Make your new wake-up time non-negotiable. And don't just try to go to bed earlier, just do it. Use your willpower! You have it so why let it just sit there collecting "dust"?
4. Set your alarm and don't you dare hit that snooze button! There are few things more "empowering that waking up on purpose - before the sun rises - to do something your future self will thank you for."
5. Say your bedtime affirmations. Before going to sleep each night, make your last thoughts ones that are positive. Affirm to yourself that your sleep will be restful, restorative, and will give you all the energy you need to easily get through your day.
6. Brush your teeth, wash your face, and have a glass of room temperature lemon water. As soon as you get out of bed, do these things. They help to wake you up and rejuvenate your body. Removing the toxins from your face and mouth makes you feel brighter and more alert. Forget the sugary orange juice. Drink lemon water immediately upon getting up. It helps aid digestion and naturally gets things moving.
7. Follow the plan. Once you've got up and done your ablutions, prioritize that first important hour. This is YOU time and should be devoted to your personal development spiritual practice, or doing something good for your future; read, study, learn something new.
8. Be consistent. Once you have your plan in place and have committed to becoming a morning person...stick with it. Habits, both good and bad, develop over time. And if you occasionally "mess up" don't berate yourself. A little self-love is called for. You are, after all, human. Forgive yourself, forget about it, then recommit to getting back on schedule.
I hope these tips will help you, or someone you know, become a morning person. There's much to love about getting up early. I think you'll discover that your days will be easier, more, fun, and will suddenly seem longer with more time to do the things that are important to you.