Doing the things you want to do develops yourself and honors those inclinations. If your inclination is to paint landscapes even though you can barely hold the brush, honor that inclination and do it! Does it matter if the end result isn't worthy of the Louvre in Paris? N0, it does not. The object here is to let your creativity out of the box and spread it wings.
Let me be perfectly clear....I'm not encouraging you to do things that are pretty much universally agreed to be immoral, dangerous, unethical, illegal, or unhealthy! Just because day isn't about that at all. What it is about, is exploring things that will bring you or others joy and satisfaction. According to Psychology Today magazine, "When you learn to honor this part of yourself and give yourself permission to have your wants, you start to communicate something important to yourself: You're allowed to have what you want. You're allowed to be here. You're important. What you want matters." And for what it's worth, I believe this is a first, and crucial, step to your long-range fulfillment in life, because it allows the true you to emerge.
So if you want to go buy that orange dress you saw and fell in love with at the mall, even though your mother told you never to wear orange, today's the day to do it. Maybe you want to spend the day in your pajamas watching sappy movies and eating popcorn, today's the day to that, too. Maybe you want to give flowers to a total stranger, just to see them smile. Do it! Whatever your heart's true desire is, today is the day to explore it. You never know what incredible things might come out it; a previously undiscovered talent, the real meaning of joy, or a new friend. Anything and everything is possible....Just because.
Tomorrow is Wednesday and that means a visit from my dear friend and teacher, the always wise Dharma Frog. Please "hop" back by for that. I know you won't want to miss it!