If you live in a city, you have lots and lots of neighbors. If you live in the country, you might only have one or two; and they could be a fair distance away. When it comes to countries. which ones do you think have the most neighbors? it should come as no surprises that both Russia and China have the most next-door neighbor(ing) countries. let's take a look at the countries with the most borders.
1. China is the third largest country in terms of land size. It dominates the southeastern part of Asia which is home to many small countries. China, with its 13,943 miles of border (22,457 km) tops our list with 14 neighbors.
2. Russia is the largest country in the world and spans both the European an Asian continents. So, of course, Russia has plenty of neighbors, too. despite Russia's vastness, it actually has a few miles less border than China, 13, 923 (22,408 km). The reason for this is because Russia has a lot of coastline. Russia, as per many experts, has 12 neighbors. But if we include the Russian Oblast (region) of Kaliningrad, then would add Poland and Lithuania, upping their neighbor count to 14.
3. Next up is Brazil. brazil is the largest country in South America and dominates the continent. Of the top three countries we listed so far, Brazil wins the prize for longest border area; In total, Brazil has a 10,032 mile (16,145 kilometers) border with other countries.
4. We move back over to Europe for the country on the list. German has a total of nine neighbors, many of which are some of the smallest countries on the continent. Germany is almost completely landlocked, so its 2,307 miles (3,714 kilometers) of border is shared with nine other countries.
So you thought you had it bad with your three, four, or five closest neighbors. How would like to have twelve, or maybe even fourteen to deal with? I have lots of very nice neighbors in Land of Lily Pad. But there is one, of course, that likes to ribbet loudly and at the most inopportune times! But that is the price we pay for living with others; not everyone will like us and vice versa.
I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about international neighbors. Please come back tomorrow for a fascinating and insightful look at moss. You may be surprised! Until then, PEACE.