Today is National Working Parents Day and I want to use today's blog to honor all those parents who work diligently each day to balance home and career. It isn't easy. According to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics, 61% of families with children have both parents working outside the home. That number increases to 65% when the youngest child is at least six years old. "Working parents face a range of challenges. While juggling daycare and schedules top the list, they also struggle to find time with each other and their children. It’s often a balancing act that requires excellent communication skills, patience, and lots of love." To honor these hard-working and dedicated parents, I thought we'd look at a few interesting facts about working parents.
1. Parents with a college degree have a harder time finding work/life balance than those without a degree. A whopping 70% of mothers with a college degree say it's difficult for them to maintain this balance, as compared with 52% of moms without the college degree. For dads with a college degree, 61% they had trouble finding a work/life balance while only 47% of non-degreed dads said they struggled to find balance.
2. Working moms are twice as likely to say that parenthood interfered with their career as do the working dads; 41% of moms and only 20% of dads.
3. While everyone feels rushed now and then, working moms feel this way ALL the time. 86% percent of working moms say they feel rushed at least some of the time while 81% of the working dads experience the same feeling. But 40% of the working moms say they feel stressed and rushed all the time. And nearly the same amount (39%) of working moms say they had too little time to spend with their children.
4. More often than not, moms take care of schedules and sick days while both parents get in on playtime with their children. "Making sure the kids are where they’re supposed to be and taking care of them when they’re sick falls largely to moms, with 59% and 55% of all parents agreeing that that’s the case. However, disciplining and doing activities with children seems to fall on both: About 60% of parents agree that those responsibilities are shared equally."
5. Men think they do a lot more around the house than their partners think they do. This is probably not a huge surprise. "Half of the mothers surveyed think they do most of the household chores, but only 32% of dads agree. On the other hand, dads are more likely to say they equally say split those responsibilities equally: 56% say this is the case, while only 46% of mothers agree."
6. Back in the 1960s, only 30% of moms worked outside the home. Go back to the 1950s and that number drops dramatically.
7. 70% of modern couples are dual earners, with fathers spending three times as much time with their children and twice as much time on housework than in the 1960s.
8. Today, working moms spend more time with their children than stay-at-home moms did in the 1960s.
9. Google (the tech company) "increased their maternity leave from 12 to 18 weeks and as a result the rate of new mothers leaving dropped by 50 percent, the scheme paid for itself." This fact helps to strengthen the argument for giving working parents more and better benefits when it comes to their children.
"Many times, parents work opposite schedules, so there’s always a parent home with kids. As a result, adults rarely spend any time alone. Like many other working parents, they’re always on the go. Everyone has their responsibilities. Each takes turns staying home if one of the children becomes sick. School activities and other events are carefully orchestrated. Precious family meals, bedtime stories, family movie nights, and vacations become highlights. These are the moments where working parents receive their rewards." Today I celebrate all parents...there's no tougher or more rewarding job in the whole world. And if you are a working parent, use #WorkingParentsDay on all your social media to share your struggles and successes with others.
Please join me back here tomorrow for a look at a few common Spanish words that don't necessarily mean what you think they do. it'll be a fun blog and hopefully, we can all brush up a little on our lengua española. Until then, have a beautiful Monday and I wish you l