"Stepping into the Live Creative world includes a boundless sense of freedom. Rules tend to fall away when the imagination is unleashed. Authors and artists have long suspended reality in support of their work, to the satisfaction of their imagination. They live creative." But what about the rest of humankind? How do they live creative if they're not artistically-inclined?
Being creative is one of the most sought-after skills in the workplace. Those same creative skills that employers look for in their employees can also help with everyday life. How does one become creative, to live a creative life? There are several things that anyone can do help their creativity flow.
1. Sustain curiosity. Be curious about everything. Observe and reflect on what you see. Be mindful of past events and history, but be maintain an open mind. Unfamiliar ideas can help broaden your outlook, so don't dismiss them so easily; they might just instill meaning and relevance in your job or life.
2. Take risks. Most frogs, and many humans like to play it safe. But playing it safe isn't living a creative life. Playing it safe keeps us stuck. Experimenting, testing things out, revising, and editing...these help us find new ways of doing things and new ways of thinking that keep creative juices flowing. Of course not every new idea is going to work. Some may be terrible; we call these productive failures and we learn from what went wrong. Other ideas may need a little tinkering and then be tested again. Taking risks is what keeps us moving forward on our path.
3. Make connections. Making connections with those who inspire and influence you can be an effective tool in the creative process. Having greater connections among people, ideas, objects, and places can lead you to one of the "aha moments" of wonder and discovery that is necessary, along with persistence for the creative process to continue.
4. Daily practice. Truly creative people have passion and commitment for their work. It's not a sometime kind of thing for them. Creating become who they are and how they relate to the world. And while "mere mortals" might not eat, sleep, and drink the creative process 24/7, it is important to spend some time every day doing things that require a little creativity. Persistence adds fuel to fire of creativity.
5. Passion. Whatever you do, do it with passion. Whatever launched you on your current path, whether it's creating in the kitchen, in an artist studio, or at your job do it with love, Love has to be the starting point; love of music, of art, of food, of designing, etc. Pianist Arthur Schnabel once said, "Love always produces some knowledge, while knowledge only rarely produces something similar to love.”
And should you be an actual artist or someone who wants to be one, Live Creative Day is the perfect time to bring a little creativity back into your life. Simply being exposed to the arts inspires ideas at home and in the workplace. "Renewing a hobby reduces stress just by being purely enjoyable." Teaching others your craft nurtures personal expression while giving you the rare opportunity to see "the world" through the eyes of another.
I hope you'll spend some time being creative today. With the weekend here, use your creative energy to solve a problem or create something new and exciting. Have some fun! If you have children or grandchildren, this is an awesome time to teach them how to live a creative life.
Whatever you do this weekend, enjoy your time and please stay safe. I'll be back here on Monday and I hope you will be, too! Until we meet up again, I wish everyone