It doesn't really matter if the decision is a big one, or something relatively small...I always make a list of the pros and cons. It helps me to see things in a concrete, black-and-white way.
I recently found two groups that I'd like to join. Because my free time is somewhat limited, I must choose which one would best suit me at this time. The first group is more subdued, intellectual, and a bit stuffier. The second group is, I think, more relaxed, creative, and may have more in common with me. So, the question becomes, do I want to join a group where I might be pushed out of my comfort zone, or do I want to hang out with other creative-types?
My initial thought is to join the easy-going group. But, upon deeper reflection, I find that I do enjoy learning new things, even if it means being uncomfortable with certain situations. It won't be an easy decision for me, so that is why I depend on my lists to clarify things.
After I make my four lists, pros and cons of each group, I will let them sit and "marinate" for a while before looking at them again and making my final choice. As with most things in life, if it turns out that I don't like my original pick, I can always decide again. Life is a constant battle of trial and error. It's comforting to embrace this concept.
If you're not a list-maker, I hope you give it a try the next time you are faced with a decision that isn't immediately clear. It's always worked pretty well for me. It's something my dad taught me to do. I hold my prarent's life-lessons very close to my heart. Even though all of those lessons don't necessarily work for me, I appreciate the fact that they took the time to teach me. Not all parents do.
When you find solutions to everyday problems that work for you, don't hesitate to teach them to your kids. When they grow up, they'll understand that you did your best to teach them how to navigate the world they live in...even if they toss your solutions out the window and find their own way to do things. Kids will be kids, after all.
Have a great Monday and I hope to see you back here tomorrow.