But here are a few ways that you might not have thought of:
1. Feel good around other people. Back in the 1660's, a Dutch scientist named Christiaan Huygens discovered that pendulums, hung on a wall, will all swing in the same direction; even when they're set in motion at different times. This phenomenon is called entrainment. And experience shows that humans are as apt to fall into sync as Huygen's pendulums. Scientist know that human's "mirror neurons" can foster our ability to empathize with the emotions we see in others. So, if you want to make someone happy, stay close to them all day and remain in a true, deep sense of happiness. Watch it rub off on them!
2. Pretend that everyone loves you. When you walk into a room know that everyone in that rooms loves you...they just haven't realized it yet. You can't know for sure that everyone loves you, but assuming they do works nicely when you want to make someone's day. When you walk around "armored" against criticism and rejection you give off "vibes" that others unconsciously pick up on. You become a human repellent. But act as if everyone loves you and, well, you'll make them happy by drawing them in. They can sense "the love." and that makes everyone feel "warm and fuzzy."
3. Stop worrying about everyone. Love and worry are not the same thing. Worrying can, and often does, put extra stress on the person you're worrying about. Sometimes, all they really need is your love. So if you want to make someone happy, quit worrying about them for just a day, or two. It could be the best gift you ever give them.
4. Advise people not to trust you. Humans, like frogs, need to be trustworthy. But we are also fallible. We make mistakes. The truth is, if you trust someone before you trust yourself, you'll rob yourself (and them) of "excellent counsel," Count on your instincts to make you safe, and they will. Now, doesn't that make you happy?
5. Get someone else to help. If you want to make some's day, make a phone call. Not to them, but to someone who can help them. Perhaps they need groceries delivered, or someone to come and look at their roof. It doesn't have to be you who actually does the work, you merely make the call on their behalf. Don't wait for them to ask, They may never do that. Perhaps you can schedule a massage for someone who's overly stressed and give them the gift certificate. Or talk to the pharmacist about your friend's allergies. Then pass on the info. I know I'd be happy if someone did something like that for me! It does shows you care. And that you've listened...and heard...their problems.
6. Gossip positively. I'm not sure why it is, but when you tell someone something positive about them to their face, they never believe you. But tell someone else...someone who will "spread the word" and they will believe that. It's kind of weird but true. So, if you have a friend who's extra special, tell someone about it; someone who will gossip it right back to your friend. Or "mistakenly" copy someone an email about their special attributes. Or leave positive comments about your coworkers (children, parents, spouse, etc.)on sticky notes in places where you know they'll see them.
And an extra "bonus" one....
7. You might even go so far as to call in sick for your spouse or your kid. Then spend the day with them doing whatever it is (within reason, of course) that will make them very, very happy!
And don't forget to use #IWantYouToBeHappyDay on all your social media today.
And I hope this little blog has made you smile. Don't worry. Be Happy!